
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
#120: The Car: Road To Revenge
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
on this episode: There are many fun facts about Bulgaria! Unfortunately one un-fun fact is that it's where Universal 1440 shot The Car: Road to Revenge (2019)
Dismantle the entire police state.
Our commentary begins at 1:44. Sync point is at 0:00.
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Saturday Aug 29, 2020
#119: Kangaroo Jack
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
on this episode: Alleged children's kangaroo movie, Kangaroo Jack (2003).
Dismantle the police state.
Our commentary begins at 2:22. Sync point is 0:00.
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
#118: Heist
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
on this episode: Heist (2015) attempts to steal this episode from us at the end.
Dismantle the police state.
Sync point is at 0:00.
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Saturday Jul 18, 2020
#117: La Leyenda Del Diamante
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
on this episode: J.M. thinks the Moonlight Sonata is Clair De Lune, but either way it's in La Leyenda Del Diamante (2017).
Dismantle the Police State.
Sync point is at 0:00. Commentary begins at 2:55.
Audio issues continue (I lost a mic cable somehow, jared ended up out of sync) but this one should be mostly ok.
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
#116: Seal Team Six Raid On Osama Bin Laden
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
on this episode: We watch the war machine dutch oven itself to cum in Seal Team Six: Raid On Osama Bin Laden (2012).
Dismantle the police state.
J.M. forgot to use the good mic and wouldn't stop fidgeting with a noisemaker. Sorry.
Sync point is at 0:00. Our commentary begins at 2:58
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Saturday Jun 27, 2020
#115: It's your birthday, did I disappoint you?
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
on this episode: Jared does not disappoint, Jer has a story from the before-times, and J.M. reads the rest of Kick A Rock (see #113).
Dismantle the entire police state.
Turkey Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-PyYleB8uF/
Crystal Game: https://www.crystalarium.com/collections/june-birthstone/products/blue-moonstone-12-06-ct-oval-cabochon-with-1-53-ct-tourmaline-accent-14k-handcrafted-gemstone-ring
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Monday Jun 15, 2020
#114: Once Upon A Time In London
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Black Lives Matter.
on this episode: Once Upon A Time In London (2019), there was a story but no one had any idea how to tell it because everyone was hooked on jumpcuts.
Dismantle the entire goddamn police state. Do not stop fighting. We can win.
The reverb is from headphone bleed. We'll fix it next time.
Our commentary begins at 1:06. It's a long one so we wanted to get right into it. Sync point is 0:00, like it has been.
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Saturday May 16, 2020
#113: Kick A Rock Part 1
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
on this episode: Half of Dr. Book's 22 page essay.
Dismantle the ICE.
Sorry about the loud rattling noise near the end. Started fidgeting.
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Sunday May 10, 2020
#112: The Recall
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
on this episode: Everyone keeps their clothes on in The Recall (2017)
Dismantle the ICE.
Sync point is at 0:00. Our commentary begins at 2:51
You can follow us on twitter @dialBob

Saturday Apr 25, 2020
#111: Dank Frux
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
on this episode: Mim Dak means Dank Frux.
Dismantle the ICE.
You can follow us on twitter @dialbob